Thursday, February 25, 2016

5 Style Essentials Every Expectant Mom Should Own!

So our family of 6 will soon be a family of 7!!! Yikes!!! I'm going to be a Mom of 5!!! We're super excited and can't wait to meet this little human who's already changing our lives.(smiles). We've always wanted a big family, so to those closest to us, this announcement comes at no big surprise! :-)

Of course I've been spending hours imagining if we'll have a boy or girl. Doodling baby names on everything. Picturing his or her little face :) . I've also been thinking about what every expectant mother wonders...what will I be wearing for the next 9 months of course!!!

So I've decided to put together a short list of a few things that every expectant mommy should always have to insure that she doesn't loose her "fabulousness"  behind the growing belly!

1. Oversized jacket- this item should actually be a staple in your closet rather you're expecting or not. But, how cool is it that your favorite bulky jacket will be able to accommodate your ever so growing belly for the entire pregnancy!

2. Distressed jeans- Boyfriend jeans are a great choice until you're forced into maternity wear; as they are loose fitting, super cute, and well let's face it...comfy! Purchase already distressed jeans or make your own for half the price. I'll definitely be distressing my own maternity jeans. What a great way to remain "on trend" even with your evoving body. 

3. Flats- Yeah I said it...The woman that wears heels more often than not. Look, I'm 34yrs. old now. I'm smart enough to know that rocking heels and a baby bump together is just not a good mix. Now don't get me wrong, I haven't totally written off heels for the next months ahead. However, I never leave home w/o a cute pointy toed flat on standby. 

4. Hats- We all have our "go to" hat for lazy hair days. If you don't own one, you should. A cute fedora is such an easy way to go from drab to fab in a matter of seconds. My energy is next to none these days and I'll tell ya, my cute little hats always save the day! ***add earrings and lipgloss for extra ump!

5. Oversized button down shirt- Guilty as charged! I've stolen tons of my hubby's button down shirts. Throw them on with leggings, leave them open with a tee underneath, wear them as cute dress with flats (endless possibilities with this). 

So, these are just a few of my "must haves". What are some of your staples while "dressing for two"? 

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